

Ah so here is a crazy thing that happened. I got this job that I wanted. So I could possibly be in this one city for the next two years.

The problem is that I feel very unqualified to do what they might need me to do. And I'm still waiting to hear back from New York. And I could respond to these interview offers in Chicago, DC, Philadelphia, Memphis, Nashville, and Austin.

Austin. I really like the sound of Austin.

But I like the sound of the other place, too. Warm weather and BBQ and a (sort of) light rail system.


daniel said...

You'll probably be called "Asian Half-Black" once or twice, but at least you'll be nestled safely in the (relative) Neutral Zone between Virginia, Kentucky, and South Carolina.

Also, the beaches that aren't crawling with bloated suburbanites are amazing.

SAM said...

HAHAH good lord Asian Half-Black gets me every time.

I spoke to the program director there today and, save for the realization that I will have to deal with Southern accents for the next two years, I'm feeling way better about this.

s.swan/spookyguts said...

go somewhere warm!

thisanjali said...

AH! there are good times and good places afloatin' on over to you

warm, somewhere warm with a grapefruit tree in the front yard. or a mango tree. either/or both

. said...

i live circa d.c.

austin sounds better